Sunday, 1 April 2007

Tim Tam Chocolate Truffles

It was Tara's 23rd Birthday party over the weekend so I decided to make some Tim Tam chocolate truffles from scratch!

I made a hugeeee mess.. hahaha.. waiting for the chocolate coating to set.

Almost set.

Tadaaa.. the end product! I made lots of extras and WOW! They are yummy!

Ingredients (from Yochana's cake delight):

I modified the recipe by leaving out the cake crumbs and nuts. I also added slightly more cream cheese. Basically, just taste as you go along and go crazy with the combination!

230 gm. Cream Cheese
2 pkts of Tim Tam (or Oreo biscuits)
100 gm. assorted chopped nuts
50 gm. or more raisins
2 Tbsp. Rum

some Melted Chocolate


(1) Blend all the ingredients together and then chill in the fridge till it's harden so that it's easier to roll.
(2) Roll into balls (I used an ice-cream scoop to do it) and then keep in the fridge to let it harden. (3) Use satay stick to poke into the truffles and dip into melted chocolate and then decorate as desired.
(4) Chill in the fridge.

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