Wednesday, 30 May 2007

"Mushroom swiss" Hamburgers

What do you do when you miss BK's mushroom swiss burger? Whip up your very own! And that's exactly what I did... Quick, easy and simply delicious!

Ok I cheated.. The hamburger patty was ready-made. Hehehe.. but it's really easy to make if you guys wanna give it a go.

150g beef mince
Pinch of herbs like thyme and oregano
Pinch of salt and black pepper
1 beaten egg

Mix everything together, shape into 1cm thick patties and pan fry for 2 minutes on each side.

Slice 100g button mushrooms and sauteed in 1 tablespoon of butter. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Add 3 tablespoon of thickened cream and simmer for 1 minute.

The rest is up to do.. pile anything you like on hamburger bread (oven toasted on the inside).. cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, pickles.. it's your call! :) Enjoy your meal!

P.S. I actually tried out alot of other recipes like warm chocolate pudding, my famous oven roast chicken with baked potatoes and bacon, mushroom & chives quiche. BUT all the photos got deleted by accident. I am really really upset... sorry for the lack of updates! I was actually looking forward to sharing more recipes with you guys.. but computers, cameras and me just don't mix. :( Nevermind, next time ok? I will be making Nasi Lemak as well as some desserts from scratch this weekend so watch this space!

1 comment:

zhengning said...

Haha, this is what i like, homemade yummies, rather than buying from outside. :D

Aw, i'm sorry to hear that your famous creations pics were accidentally deleted! Ah, well looking forward for you entry on ur bakes and nasi!